Japanese Class

Japanese Language Courses at VE Learning Center

We offer engaging and comprehensive Japanese language courses tailored for students attending international schools. Our program is designed to cater to different skill levels, from beginner to advanced. Whether your child is just starting to learn Japanese or hope to improve their language skills, we provide the professional instruction for them to grow in confidence and ability. Our classes are interactive, fun, and focused on building strong communication skills in reading, writing, listening, and speaking Japanese.

Course Information


鈴木 千尋 Chihiro Suzuki

すずき ちひろ
1995年 昭和女子大学 卒業
1997年 8年间大学院 文学部英米文学科 博士後期課程 入学
1998年 博士後期課程 単位取得
1998年 昭和女子大学 文学部英米文学科 就職

Chihiro Suzuki
-Graduated from Showa Women’s University in 1995.
-Enrolled in the Doctoral Program in the Department of English and American Literature at the Graduate School of Showa Women’s University in 1997
-Started working at Showa Women’s University in 1998.
-Holds teaching qualifications for elementary, middle, and high school education.
-Certified as a Japanese language instructor.

Monday Class

🌟Japanese beginner~intermediate
15:30-16:30 (1h)

Tuesday Class

Japanese begin
🌟Tuesday Class (Japanese beginner~intermediate)
15:30-16:30 (1h)

Tuesday Class

🌟Tuesday Class (Japanese intermediate~advanced)
16:45-17:45 (1h)